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Low Risk Food Business Questionnaire
We may not need to inspect your business as we believe the activities or scale of your operations mean you are low risk. Please complete the sections of this questionnaire which apply to your activities.
1. To be completed by all businesses:
Case Reference if provided to you e.g. (CFSI/00/12345)
Trading name
Premises Address
Separate Head Office address (if applicable)
Telephone number
Email address
Person completing this form (name and role)
2. Trading Status:
Currently Trading
Ceased Trading
3. General information:
Please tell us what you do Include the types of food you handle (e.g. market stall, home caterer, shop, sell ambient only)
When in operation, approximately how many customers do you have daily
How often do you provide food to the public (daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly, every six months)
Where do you store food?
What stock control checks do you carry out?
What hand wash facilities are available and where are these located?
What food hygiene and safety training or instruction have you and/or your staff received?
Tell us about any paperwork you keep which show how you produce safe food (e.g., Safer Food Better Business folder, temperature records or other records)
What food allergen training have you carried out?
How do you control possible pests? (e.g., visual checks, contract)
4. Do you handle unwrapped/open ready to eat food?
What ready to eat foods do you handle?
How are surfaces and equipment cleaned and disinfected before ready to eat food is prepared? (e.g. hot soapy water/detergent then sanitiser)
How do you ensure good personal hygiene when handling ready to eat food? (e.g. Do staff wear aprons, hair nets etc)
5. Do you store food in a fridge or freezer?
What temperatures do your fridges and freezers keep food at?
What checks do you carry out and how often?
How do you protect ready to eat food from contamination when stored in the fridge? (e.g. between raw and ready to eat food)
6. Do you cook food?
What food do you cook?
What checks do you do to make sure food is cooked properly? (e.g., check temperature, visual check, other)
If you hot hold food, how is this done safely? (for how long, temperature, checks)
If you cool food, how is this done safely? (time taken?)
7. Do you handle raw food?
Where do you store raw food?
Where is raw meat handling / preparation carried out?
How are surfaces and equipment cleaned and disinfected after raw meat has been handled / prepared?
How do you ensure good personal hygiene when handling raw meat? (e.g. separate apron, hand washing etc)
8. Do you transport, deliver or mail food?
How do you make sure food is protected from contamination when transported?
I confirm that the information that I have supplied is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I will inform New Forest District Council if there are significant changes to the business or if I cease trading.
Print name:
For additional advice please contact us at
or 023 8028 5411