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Pre-Application Advice Request Form
Applicant details
Contact Telephone*
Agent details (if any)
Agt address2
Agt address3
Agt address4
Contact Telephone
Site Address / Location (Include post code if available)
Full Address including postcode*
Description of proposed development
Proposed work*
Current use(s) of the site/building(s)
Current use*
Site Area
Site area
What level of advice are you applying for? (See refer Guidance Note for details)
Please select one of the following 6 categories.
Householder Enquiry
Business Enquiry
Residential Development
Listed Building
Local Plan Strategic Sites
Attach documents (see checklist below for required files)
Checklist - enclosed details
In addition to this application form you will need to provide additional details dependent on the Category of the Advice applied for.
Please tick the documents you are sending us.
Site Location Plan (required for all categories of advice)
Site Location Plan (required for all categories of advice)
The Relevant Fee (required for all categories of advice)
The Relevant Fee (required for all categories of advice)
A plan showing the proposal in relation to the site's boundaries and adjoining properties drawn to scale or marked with dimensions
A plan showing the proposal in relation to the site's boundaries and adjoining properties drawn to scale or marked with dimensions
A sketch of the proposal with measurements or scaled drawings if available
A sketch of the proposal with measurements or scaled drawings if available
A Site Survey, including buildings and features within and surrounding the site
A Site Survey, including buildings and features within and surrounding the site
An Indicative Site Layout Plan with zones of development and/or development parameters
An Indicative Site Layout Plan with zones of development and/or development parameters
Any other information you choose to submit (Please list below any additional documents you are including to assist with your submission)
Any other information you choose to submit (Please list below any additional documents you are including to assist with your submission)
List below any additional information provided to assist with the enquiry
Add info
Please refer to our website and the schedule of pre-application fees and enter below the fee which is relevant to this enquiry.
I enclose a fee for £
Fee due (£)*
as payment for this service
How would you like to pay:*
Pay online now
Pay later via phone / cheque
I (the undersigned) confirm that I am seeking pre-application advice on the site identified.
Print name*
Freedom of information act
If the Council receives a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) or Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) to disclose information relating to pre-application enquiries, we are obliged to do so unless the information falls under one of the exemptions (FOI) or exceptions (EIR) set out in legislation. If you consider that your request is covered by an exemption/exception, for example, it is confidential or commercially sensitive; you should set out below the reasons why, and for how long, any information relating to this enquiry should remain confidential.
The Council will consider your views, however the final decision on whether the information should be disclosed will rest with the Council
The Council offers pre-application planning advice on a professional basis but it does not constitute a formal decision by the Council. Therefore it cannot be held to bind the Council in either its validation or formal determination of any subsequent planning application. A final decision on any development proposal can only be taken once the subsequent planning application has been submitted and after the Council has consulted local people, statutory consultees and any other interested parties. If a planning application is later submitted which fails to take on-board the advice given by Officers, then the Council retains the right to refuse the application without further discussion with the applicant or their agent. The weight that can be attributed to pre-application advice will usually diminish over time due to any future changes to national planning legislation or changes to national or local planning policy. Additionally the advice provided is based upon the information that accompanies the enquiry. If it transpires that this information was inaccurate or incomplete, then the pre-application advice given ceases to carry any weight. Similarly if new information is revealed during the planning application process, then this can affect the eventual outcome of the planning application.
I have read the
Privacy Policy
and agree to my details being used as described*
I have read the
Privacy Policy
and agree to my details being used as described*