Exceptional Hardship Payments

We have set up the Council Tax Exceptional Hardship Fund to help Council Tax payers who are facing exceptional financial hardship.

You can apply if you are getting Council Tax Support and need further help to pay your Council Tax as you still have an amount to pay.

The fund is a limited sum of money. It is up to our discretion who can receive an award and how much.

As we can only help those that are in exceptional financial hardship, please give us as much information as you can about your circumstances.

To apply, please fill in this form, giving any details you think could help your claim.

To be eligible you must be:
  • in receipt of Council Tax Support
  • in exceptional financial hardship and have insufficient resources to meet your immediate short term needs
To fill in this form you will need:
  • Your Council Tax Support claim number
  • your National Insurance Number
  • recent bank statements for all the accounts held
  • details of your household expenditure